Mahsulot tafsilotlari
Mahsulotning batafsil tavsifi
Mahsulot nomi: | Fiber lazerni kesish mashinasi | Lazer turi: | Fiber lazer |
Lazer kuchi: | 500w, 800w, 1000w | Ish maydoni: | 3000 * 1500mm |
Kesuvchi bosh: | Raytools | Quvvatlantirish manbai: | 380V / 50Hz |
Kafolat: | 1 yil |
Mashinaning xususiyatlari
CNC metall tolali lazerni kesish mashinasi mexanik servo chiqib ketish boshini varaq materiallari bilan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri aloqa qiladi, shunda lazer fokus uzunligi bir xil bo'lib qoladi va kesish tezligi va sifati butun ish sohasida bir xil bo'ladi. Mashina tezyurar, yuqori aniqlik, barqaror harakatlanish, yaxshi dinamik ishlash va uzoq umr ko'rishga imkon beruvchi dublli joylashishni, shar vintlarini uzatishni qo'llaydi. Mashina stolining uzunligi bo'yicha va qarama-qarshi yo'nalishda harakatlanish chegarasini o'zgartirganda, haddan tashqari harakatlanish chegaralari va poliuretan to'qnashuvga qarshi chiziqlar mavjud bo'lib, ular mashinaning ishlash xavfsizligini ta'minlaydi. Avtomatik dasturlash tizimi ishlov berish dasturiga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri grafik fayllarni yaratadi, kompyuter qayta ishlash yo'lini taqlid qiladi va dastur avtomatik ravishda ishlov berish samaradorligi va materialdan foydalanishni yaxshilaydigan materiallarni joylashtiradi.
Fiber lazerni kesish mashinasining afzalliklari
1. High precision in cutting. Excellent in stability.
Adopting the high precision ball screw in transmission system. The optimized CNC control system, which can meet the processing demand in high precision accessory. The motation system is excellent , that suit for the long hours constantly working. Laser cutter machine AL-3015C/500W copper fiber
2. High quality in cutting edge
The cutting head system with high sensitivity and stability. The cutting head moving with the variation of the plate. The cut-off point position will remain unchanged. The kerf is flat and smooth enough no need to handle it again. Meanwhile, the machine can be use to cut both of the flat materials and curving materials .
3. Cutting large format and suitable for cutting more material.
The machine can cut metal sheet within the thickness of 6mm and not larger than the size of 1250mm x 2500mm. The applicable materials include: ordinary carbon steel, stainless steel, titanium, etc.
4. With drawer to collect the garbage, easy to change the gas valve. High performance-price ratio
5. Low cost for using
6. Higher cutting speed and efficiency
7. Low fees for the future maintain:
This laser machine is with simple structure, easy to operate with high stability
Asosiy konfiguratsiya
Mahsulot | Ism | Miqdori | Tovar |
Lazer | tolali lazer | 1 SET | Maxfotonika |
Kesish boshi | Ixtisoslashgan chiqib ketish boshi | 1 SET | RayTools BT (Shveytsariya) |
Mashina to'shagi | 1 SET | Xitoy | |
Nozik raf | 1 SET | TAIWAN DINSENSE | |
Mashina tanasi | Nozik chiziqli qo'llanma raylari | 1 SET | TAIWAN HIWIN / TAIWAN shac |
X, Y eksa servo va haydovchi | 1 SET | LETRO | |
Reducer tizimi | 1 SET | TAIWAN DINSENSE | |
boshqaruvchi | 1 SET | Frantsiya Shnayder | |
Mashina to'shagi uchun aksessuarlar | 1 SET | Xitoy | |
Raqamli chiqib ketish tizimi | Nazorat tizimi | 1 SET | Shanxay cypcut / Shanxay vakolati |
Aksessuarlar | Chiller | 1 SET | Teyu |
Chiqindilarni qayta ishlash uskunalari | 1 SET | Xitoy |
1.Application Materials: CNC Fiber Laser Cutting Equipment is suitable for metal cutting with Stainless Steel Sheet, Mild Steel Plate, Carbon Steel Sheet, Alloy Steel Plate, Spring Steel Sheet, Iron Plate, Galvanized Iron, Galvanized Sheet, Aluminum Plate, Copper Sheet, Brass Sheet, Bronze Plate, Gold Plate, Silver Plate, Titanium Plate, Metal Sheet, Metal Plate, Tubes and Pipes, etc
2.Application Industries: CNC Fiber Laser Cutting Machines are widely used in manufacturing Billboard, Advertising, Signs, Signage, Metal Letters, LED Letters, Kitchen Ware, Advertising Letters, Sheet Metal Processing, Metals Components and Parts, Ironware, Chassis, Racks & Cabinets Processing, Metal Crafts, Metal Art Ware, Elevator Panel Cutting, Hardware, Auto Parts, Glasses Frame, Electronic Parts, Nameplates, etc.