Mahsulot tafsilotlari
Mahsulotning batafsil tavsifi
Lazer turi: | Fiber lazer | Kesish maydoni: | 1500 * 3000mm |
Sovutish rejimi: | Suvni sovutish | Ilova: | Metallni kesish |
Ish kuchlanishi: | 380V / 50Hz | Qalinligi kesish: | 3-4 Mm (Carbon Steel) |
Lazer kuchi: | 300W | Boshqarish dasturi: | Cypcut |
Main Introduction
1. The fiber optic laser cutter adopts world famous Germany fiber laser technology and USA imported laser cutting head & dynamic focus system, and fiber optic laser cutter can cut and punch different kind of metal materials with high precision and high speed.
2. Since laser is transmitted by fiber, it’s free maintenance, and also doesn't need to adjust the laser optical path at all. The fiber optic laser cutter greatly reduces the machines' fault rate and prolongs the working life.
3. The fiber cutter has large cutting area from 1.5M to 3M, and the fiber cutter can also meet the demands of various kinds of metal processing.
Fiber laser cutting machine Features
Lazer kuchi | 300 Watt |
Lazer manbai | Jahonga mashhur Germaniya tolali lazer texnologiyasi |
Lazer turi | Fiber lazer |
XYZ ish maydoni | 1500 * 3000 * 150 (mm) |
Lazer to'lqin uzunligi | 1070-1080nm |
Maks. Qalinligini kesish | 300w (1-3mm Carbon Steel) |
Maks. Chiqib ketish tezligi | 0-20 metr / min (materiallarga qadar) |
Minimal chiziq kengligi | ≤0.1mm |
Joylashuv aniqligi | ≤ ± 0,05 mm |
Maks. harakatlanish tezligi | 100m / min |
Qayta joylashishni aniqlash | ± 0,02 mm |
Formatni qo'llab-quvvatlash | PLT, DXF, BMP, AI |
Quvvat talabi | 380V / 50Hz |
Sovutish usuli | Suvni sovutish |
Ish stoli maksimal yuklamoq | 1000KGS |
Etkazish usuli | Ball vintlarini uzatish |
Stol bilan boshqariladigan tizim | Yaponiyadan import qilingan Panasonic Servo Motor va haydash tizimi |
Fokus usuli | Fokusni kuzatish va avtomatik sozlash |
Boshqarish usuli | Oflayn xarakatni boshqarish |
Boshqarish dasturi | Cypcut Professional Laser Cutting Software |
Sinf | 4-sinf lazer |
Fiber laser cutting machine Features
1. Excellent beam quality: Smaller focus diameter and high work efficiency.
2. Fast cutting speed: Cutting speed of this fiber cutter is more than 20m/min
3. Stable running condition: adopting the top world imported fiber lasers which has very stable performance, and key parts of the fiber optic laser cutter can reach 100,000 hours' lifetime;
4. High efficiency for photoelectric conversion: compare with Co2 laser cutting machine, fiber optic laser cutter has 3 times photoelectric conversion efficiency as much as it.
5. Low cost & low maintenance: saving energy and protecting environment. Photoelectric conversion rate is up to 25-30%. Electric power consumption is only about 20%-30% of the traditional Co2 laser cutting machine. Fiber cable transmission doesn't need to reflect lens so as to save maintenance cost;
6. Easy operations: fiber line transmission leads to no adjustment of optical path;
7. Super flexible optical effects: the design is compact and is also easy to reach all manufacturing requirements.
Applied materials of 300w Fiber Laser Cutting Machine
Elyaf to'sar asosan uglerod po'latidan, yumshoq po'latdan, zanglamaydigan po'latdan, kremniy po'latdan, alyuminiy qotishmasidan, titan qotishmasidan, galvanizli po'latdan yasalgan po'latdan yasalgan po'latdan yasalgan taxta, alyuminiy-rux plastinkasi, mis va ko'plab boshqa turdagi metall buyumlar uchun ishlatiladi. Bu yuqori aniqlikdagi kesish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan cnc lazer to'sarlardan foydalanish. Bundan tashqari, uni tolali kesish mashinasi, optik tolali lazerni kesish moslamasi, metall uchun lazer to'sar, tolali to'sar, uglerod po'latni kesish, cnc lazer kesgichlar deb atash mumkin.
Applied Industry of 300w Fiber Laser Cutting Machine
Metall uchun ushbu lazer to'sar plastinka ishlov berish, aviatsiya, kosmik yorug'lik, elektronika, elektr jihozlari, metro qismlari, avtomobil, mashinalar, nozik qismlar, kemalar, metallurgiya uskunalari, asansör, maishiy texnika, sovg'alar va qo'l san'atlari, asboblarni qayta ishlash, bezatish, va hokazolarda qo'llaniladi. reklama, metallni xorijiy qayta ishlash turli xil qayta ishlash sanoatlari.